30 under 30
I’m super excited about being selected in the 30 under 30 list by Forbes Magazine Czech Republic! It’s the dream of every little kid and at the same time it is a great motivation to move Vividbooks further - all the way up to the sky and into classrooms to make even more kids fall in love with science.
Vividbooks in more than 60 schools
Vividbooks has pursued another year of successful growth. Starting off as an emerging startup at the beginning of the year, Vividbooks celebrates several accomplished goals at the end. The online library is currently used by over 60 schools in nine countries across three continents. The Vividbooks team succeeded in developing a product which teachers love to use and helps them, solves obstacles, and always like to recommend to others.
Josef Hlavka
Josef Hlavka
The widely recognised Hlávkova Foundation has again honored awards in 2020. The award of Josef Hlávka was won by Vít Škop an UMPRUM graduate of the graphic design studio. For the first time UMPRUM also received the Josef Hlávek medal dedicated to the designer and former university chancellor Jiří Pelcl.

Czech Grand
Czech Grand
Design 2019
Discovery of the Year
I was honored with winning the Czech Grand Design competition in the Discovery of the year category
Vividbooks is library of interactiv textbooks of STEM subjects.The Mission is crystal clear: Making kids fall in love with interactive learning.
Vegas baby!
Vegas baby!
Vividbooks is
at CES!
We’re proud to announce that Vividbooks was invited to CES 2020 in Las Vegas. We’re launching our new app here in Vegas. Located at the CES Eureka Park, Vividbooks will showcase its interactive textbooks in the startup center of the conference.
Wallpaper magazine
Wallpaper magazine
directory 2020
I’m truly honored to be the first student coming from Czech universities who have been amongst the selected graduate students in the prestigious design magazine Wallpaper. The curators nominated my work Madame Monsieur for the Visual Communication category. Thank you!

Bengaluru By Design
Bengaluru By Design
& Workshop
at Anant Univerzity
I was invited to be part of two festivals in Bengaluru, India: Bengaluru by Design and DesignUp where I displayed my project Vividbooks. Additionally, I held three accompanying workshops at the JD Institute of Fashion and Technology and Anant University in Ahmadabad focused on conceptual thinking of a designer when working with new technology.

Sellection: Third
My graduation project Vividbooks was selected for the international competition of Prague’s Design Blok Festival. The work had been exhibited during the festival and received third place amongst the best graduation projects from around the world.

Design Festival
Vividbooks was selected to represent the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague at the at the London Design Festival. The location of display was in the Brompton design District. It was an incredibly fascinating week of meeting diverse kinds of people and demonstrating my project Vividbooks. This was the first time vividbooks met an international audience. The exhibition was complemented by Niyny Chairs by Adam Štok.

Jak žijí designéři – How designers live
Lidovky.cz, a well-recognized newspaper website featured me in a column called: How do Designers Live. The journalists visited my apartment and documented the secret spaces of my life.

Business Network
Business Network
Talk: Why Minimalism
I had an opportunity to express my personal frustrations about new thoughtless rebrandings like Airbnb and other Google-like logos at the Business Network conference.

Judge at the
Judge at the
Young Package competition
I had the honour to participate as a judge in an international competition called Young Package organized by Model and CzechDesign.cz. The contest aimed to discover the most original packaging’s by young creators. The theme of this year was ‘Enjoyment in unpacking’.

Czech Grand
Czech Grand
Design Finalist
It was an honour being amongst the finalists of the Czech Grand Design competition. My colleagues (Jan Drozda, Adam Uchytil and Mikuláš Křen) and I received third place for our touring exhibition Czech Innovation Expo, which utilizes AR.

Prague Histories – a tailored app for the Council of the City of Prague
Prague Histories – a tailored app for the Council of the City of Prague
In collaboration with VR_MUSASHI studio we created an app which literally walks users through historical milestones in the old centre of Prague. The app was successful among Prague’s visitors and its residents. Jiří Hřib, the mayor of Prague, has been the greatest user.